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At Hambrook one of the key principles of our safeguarding policies and computing curriculum is e-safety. This links to our school behaviours and values which help keep our school community safe, and educates our children on the importance of their online footprints. We want our children to understand both the benefits and risks of the digital world. This is supported by our annual computing week and through units of work for each year group within our Hambrook curriculum, which focuses on e-safety at an age appropriate level. We also work closely with providers such as the NSPCC to provide assemblies and workshops for staff and students to ensure information is up to date and relevant in a world which changes and evolves rapidly.

Useful websites with information for parents regarding e-safety at home:

UK Safer Internet Centre – advice about devices, parental controls, conversations you can have and safety tools -

They also have guides to many popular social media platforms here:

NSPCC – advice about keeping children safe when using the internet, including social networks, apps and gaming online.

CEOP – Child exploitation and Online protection. The National Crime Agency’s website where children can file a report about concerns they have over interactions online.

Think U Know – Run by the CEOP this has lots of advice for adults and children around online safety and behaviour.

Further information on the units of work we do in each year group can be found in these documents from the UK council for Internet Safety and the Departments of Education, Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and The Home Office.

Further information regarding e-safety can also be found in our Safeguarding policy, Codes of Conduct and our Acceptable Usage policies which are available on our website from the school office.

Contact Us

Hambrook Primary School, Moorend Road, Hambrook, Bristol, BS16 1SJ
0117 9568933