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Welcome to the SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities) and Inclusion area.

We are a friendly school who is committed to providing an inclusive environment where all pupils can flourish. We hope that you find this information useful in further explaining our approach to inclusion and how we identify and support SEND throughout the school.


Inclusion Leader: Mrs. Pitman
SENDCo: Mrs. Yeo

Headteacher: Mrs. Rubel

At Hambrook Primary we value and understand the importance of ensuring that every child is able to access their learning and fulfil their potential whatever their needs or abilities. We believe in allowing the ‘whole child’ to grow and this is achieved through a broad and balanced curriculum within a close and caring school community. Our SEND practice and policy is compliant with the Code of Practice (2015) and all statutory documents are published here on the website and reviewed annually with key stakeholders.

Class teachers are responsible for the progress and development of all pupils within their class, including those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities. The main role of the SEND team is to support class teachers and to ensure that there are high standards of practice and provision for all pupils with SEND. We aim to identify children’s learning and social and emotional difficulties at an early stage and we endeavour to work with parents to help support each child.

Once a child is identified as having difficulties in accessing learning or in experiencing barriers due to their social, emotional or mental health needs the school will support them through a variety of strategies. The child may then be recognised as receiving SEN Support and may be placed on our SEND register. For some children with more complex needs, school may suggest that an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is requested through the Local Authority in order to secure wider recognition of their needs and access further support.

We have included some useful links below to help you further develop your understanding of SEND and Inclusion at Hambrook.

Contact Us

Hambrook Primary School, Moorend Road, Hambrook, Bristol, BS16 1SJ
0117 9568933